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Nelson Crowle's picture

Mother Earth Brew Call Me Ginger

October, 2017
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Evaluated as a BJCP2015 style Fruit And Spice beer (29B).  Pours an almost clear very light yellowish gold with a big poofy white head of small bubbles that slowly fades to a quarter inch layer, leaving some Belgian lace on the glass. The aroma comes across with medium low ginger and medium low lemon, but as the beer warms, the ginger takes the front of the stage. There is a light strawberry ester aroma that matches up nicely with the doughy and bready malt (with hints of bread crust). The flavor brings across light ginger and light lemon (less than the aroma), with hints of black pepper, floral, and pear. A bit of river rock minerality in the flavor, too. Medium high carbonation and a light body give this beer an easy-drinking character that is enhanced by the ginger and lemon additions. No alcohol warmth and a light crispness are refreshing. Clean and well made, this beer would be great to drink while you're grilling burgers - and then a nice foil to the meat and oils from the grill.
