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Nelson has been judging and rating beers (over 20,000) for 30 years and is always interested in trying beers he hasn’t had before. A homebrewer for 40 years, Nelson has brewed all 154 sub-styles from the BJCP 2021 guidelines, along with historical and extinct beers, to learn more about the beer styles and the thought process of the brewers behind them. He is active in judging, entering, and running beer competitions and is a BJCP National Judge as well as a BJCP Mead Judge and BJCP Cider Judge.
Beach Cruiser IPA by Garage Brewing Co. was judged as a 21B (Specialty IPA - New England IPA) per the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines. As poured, the beer is a deep gold and clear, but not brilliant. A large beige head of tiny bubbles fades slowly and provides a nice Belgian lace on the glass. The... Read More
This beer pours a beautiful, brilliant, deep gold, and a large head of tiny ivory-colored bubbles hangs around for a long time. The aroma brings out bread crusts, some toasty notes, as well as grapefruit juice and an eye-watering chili pepper heat (in a good way!). The flavor echoes the crusty... Read More
French Toast Hef by Garage Brewing Co. was evaluated as a BJCP 2021 Spice/Herb/Vegetable (30A) category with an underlying style of American Wheat (1D).
The beer pours a hazy deep gold with a large, persistent, poofy, ivory-colored head. There is a moderate grainy and bready aroma with... Read More
An infusion of citrus grapefruit and tangerine comes across as almost tropical with both a white-bread breadiness and bread crust in the aroma - very inviting. The beer pours a slightly hazy (maybe dry-hopped?) light gold, with a medium size head of small white bubbles - and the head hangs... Read More
Evaluated as a BCJP 2015 style 29A (Fruit Beer) with the underlying style of 10A (Weissbier). Pours a cloudy light gold with a slight pinkish tint, and with a large light cream colored head that stays around for a long time and leaves small rings of Belgian lace. Big mango nose with moderate... Read More
Silly Gose by Community Beer Co. was evaluated as a BJCP 2015 style 27 (Historical Beer - specifically Gose). The beer pours a hazy yellowish light gold with a big poofy head of tiny white bubbles that quickly fades to a thin layer. Initially, the aroma is quite tart with moderate earthy and... Read More