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Nelson Crowle's picture

Mango Hefeweizen

September, 2017
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Evaluated as a BCJP 2015 style 29A (Fruit Beer) with the underlying style of 10A (Weissbier). Pours a cloudy light gold with a slight pinkish tint, and with a large light cream colored head that stays around for a long time and leaves small rings of Belgian lace. Big mango nose with moderate over-ripe peach notes with a background aroma of crackers and grainy malt. No hops detected in the aroma. The flavor also presents a big hit of ripe mango and also the peaches from the aroma show up more in the flavor. The flavor presents the hefeweizen character more as Juicy Fruit gum - sort of a cross between banana and strawberry. Although quite fruity, the finish is off-dry and refreshingly crisp and palate cleansing for a medium body and highly carbonated beer. No alcohol warmth, and a clean fermentation. This beer is just begging to be served with a honey-glazed Hawaiian pineapple chicken or pork chop dish.
