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Barrel Aged Imperial Korova by Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. is an amazingly rich, complex and delicious concoction! This bourbon barrel-aged milk porter is being evaluated as a 33B Specialty Wood-Aged Beer with Baltic Porter as the base beer.
The aroma has an incredible complexity of bourbon, chocolate, dark malt, sweet raisins, coffee and caramel. Very attractive and it begs you to take a sip! The oak character from the barrel is mellow and complementary. The beer pours an opaque inky black color with a light tan small-bubbled head that is fleeting.
The flavor mirrors the aroma quite well. Big bourbon notes are up front on top of an extremely rich chocolate, coffee and caramel malt character that is quite inviting. Hop flavor and bitterness is subtle, but there is enough of the latter to balance out the sweetness of this brew pretty well. The body is medium to medium-full, and the carbonation is rather low. Alcohol is hidden very well. There is a delicious lingering rich malty aftertaste that is maintained until the next sip. The body is quite full, and there is an oily slickness on the palate that is complementary to the flavor.
Barrel Aged Imperial Korova Milk Porter is a quite complex, full-flavored offering that deserves to be savored beside a roaring bonfire among friends. This one does not disappoint!