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Judge's Review: 96 Rating - East Brother Festbier by East Brother Beer Co.

October, 2019
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

East Brother Festbier by East Brother Beer Co. was evaluated as a BJCP 2015 4B Festbier. Pours a brilliant very deep gold with a medium-sized head of tiny white bubbles that fades fairly quickly but returns when swirled. With such a brilliant clarity the beer shows a beautiful upward cascade of rising bubbles that's very visually appealing. The aroma is of freshly baked bread and moderate bread crusts with just a hint of floral hops. The flavor extends with bread doughy notes and a lightly toasty character, echoing the moderate bread crusts of the aroma. The hops in the flavor come across as floral, with just a hint of black pepper, and they are all very well balanced. The malt character has a hint of sweetness - not quite dry, but still well attenuated. Hop bittering is medium-low - with the balance towards the malt. Medium body and a smooth and creamy yet crisp finish with a slight honey note lingering. This beer is barely within the style guidelines as a Festbier; it's at the high end of the malt, in particular, but it works very well as everything is really nicely balanced, producing a world-class example of this style. This is a perfect beer to go with a family grilling session - especially bratwursts.
