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All Of The Otter Reindeer by Pontoon Brewing was evaluated as a BJCP 2015 style 30C, Winter Seasonal Beer. The beer pours a very clear, almost brilliant, light copper with a large poofy light tan head of tiny bubbles. Moderately high toasted bread crusts dominate the aroma with indistinct hints of brown pie spices. Toasted bread crusts lead off in the flavor, with lingering notes of molasses, brown sugar, cardamom and just a touch of cinnamon. There is a moderately low bittering that lingers into a bready and toasty spicy finish. Very low floral hops show up in both the aroma and the flavor but as an afterthought. Mouthfeel has a moderate carbonation and medium body. As the beer warms, the spicing levels rise, with the spices blending well and the flavors complementary to each other, while the bready character stands out as the supporting canvas for the spicing. This beer is a very pleasant sipper and would pair nicely with a rich wine/chicken dish like coq au vin.