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Judge's Review: 89 Rating - Cerveza Toña by Compañía Cervecera de Nicaragua

November, 2022

Cerveza Toña

Cerveza Toña

Cerveza Toña, Compañía Cervecera de Nicaragua

For consumers seeking authentic cultural drinking experiences, Cerveza Toña is a smooth, refreshing lager from Nicaragua, a land of pristine beauty that’s rich in natural resources, authenticity, and adventure. Made with 100% natural ingredients and a commitment to sustainability, it is easy to see why Cerveza Toña is Central America’s number one-selling beer. Since 1976, Cerveza Toña has been brewed using pure water sourced from the Southern Basin of Xolotlan Lake. The beer is a highly drinkable lager with 4.6% ABV and that is pale golden in color with a light, frothy head. Cerveza Toña features an impeccably smooth light malt flavor with a nicely balanced bitterness from the use of light hops.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Cerveza Toña by Compañía Cervecera de Nicaragua was evaluated as an International Pale Lager per the 2021 BJCP Style Guidelines (2A). 

The beer pours a brilliantly clear yellowish light gold with a large white head of tiny bubbles. The head dissipates fairly slowly; swirling brings back a few bubbles. An aroma of light grainy bread notes and just a hint of corn start things off, with a low floral note filling in. The first taste has light corn notes that balance out with a light grainy character, supporting a light floral hop character with hints of black pepper. Bittering is quite low with just a slight hint. The body is light with a short grainy and corny finish. Overall, a good match for the style specifications and quite pleasant to drink. I would pair this beer with a nice spicy chorizo omelet with sauteed caramelized onions and some cold freshly diced tomatoes as a temperature contrast. 
