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Sal Mortillaro II

Sal Mortillaro II's picture
Beer & Mead Judge

Sal has been homebrewing since 2010 and has been a certified judge in the BJCP program since 2012 where he currently holds the rank of Grand Master 2. He has won several awards and medals during his time homebrewing and he currently serves as a BJCP exam proctor, exam grader, exam admin, and the Regional Representative for the Southern Region.  Sal has served as a Best of Show judge for the Alabama Craft Beer State Championship and Montana Brewery of the Year State Championship and has judged at the Great American Beer Festival, Aro Rojo, and Arizona Craft Brewers Guild commercial competitions.  Sal is one of the first ten educators in the United States for the Wine & Spirit Education Trust Award in Beer Level 1 and Level 2 certifications.  He is a regular guest on the NOLA Drinks radio show & pod cast and contributor to Louisiana Craft Beer Magazine.

Sal is a member of the Mystic Krewe of Brew Homebrew Club where he serves as the Educational Director and occasional Vice President. He is also a founding board member of The Bayou State Homebrew Competition Circuit. He is the competition coordinator for the New Orleans On Tap, Bayou Beer Fest, and Larry Fest charity beer events. He has served as a “Beer Geek” in the local area for a well-known, national chain of natural grocery stores reviewing and recommending beers to their customers.

Sal enjoys brewing all styles of beer, but thoroughly enjoys venturing into the weird and wild, discovering beers that utilize non-traditional ingredients and brewing techniques. He appreciates drinking all beer styles, but particularly enjoys malty or sour beers.

BJCP Grand Master II Certificate


My reviews

Samuel Adams Wicked Easy

Samuel Adams Wicked Easy

United States
Samuel Adams Wicked Easy, Boston Beer Co.

Light-bodied and hazy with bright citrus and tropical fruit notes of orange, mango and pineapple and a clean, crisp finish. Wicked Easy combines satisfying flavor with smooth, easy-drinking refreshment. When you’re relaxing outdoors with friends, looking for a better option while cheering on your favorite sports team, or are just looking for a light, hazy lager, Wicked Easy is your go-to.

Beverage Profile
Samuel Adams Two-Row Pale Malt Blend, White Wheat, Golden Naked Oats
Cascade, Citra, Mosaic, Simcoe



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Judges Rating:
6 / 6
22 / 24
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
19 / 20

Samuel Adams Wicked Easy by The Boston Beer Co. This beer pours straw gold with medium hazy clarity. A bountiful lathery white head of tiny bubbles is sustained throughout the whole beer and leaves a beautiful lacing on the glass as the beer is consumed. Overall, this beer has a muted aroma... Read More

Southdown Mai Tai Double IPA

Southdown Mai Tai Double IPA

United States
Southdown Mai Tai Double IPA, Wild Leap Brew Co.

Southdown Mai Tai combines the orange, lime and almond flavors of a traditional Mai Tai Cocktail with a juicy Double IPA. We use brown sugar in the boil to get rich rum flavors and ferment on Key Lime and Orange puree. We then double dry-hop with Citra, Sabro, and Idaho 7.

Beverage Profile
Citra, Sabro, Idaho 7



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Judges Rating:
4 / 6
18 / 24
30 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
14 / 20

SouthDown Mai Tai Double IPA by Wild Leap Brew Co. is being judged as a Specialty Fruit Beer (Category 29C) with a Double IPA (Category 22A) as the base beer. 

This beer pours a gold color with a hazy opaque clarity. A white head of tiny, fine bubbles is slightly fleeting but leaves a... Read More

Jack The Sipper

Southern Prohibition beer Jack the Sipper ESB
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
22 / 24
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

This ESB pours a deep amber color with hazy clarity and a sustained, off-white, meringue-like head. Rich notes of bready malt with light toast and light caramel intertwine with a slight nutty base note of malt. English-style fruity esters interplay with a low, but present, earthy note from the... Read More

Tavern Ale

Tavern Ale by Big Boss Brewing Co.
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
23 / 24
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
19 / 20

This Barrel Aged Ale pours a deep amber color with hazy clarity.   A fine-bubbled white head quickly dissipates and leaves ring and lacing around the edge of the glass.  An aroma of barrel qualities of oak character and vanilla lactones are prominent in the nose followed by a malt character... Read More

Raspberry Beret

Raspberry Beret, Streetside Brewery
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
20 / 24
35 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
16 / 20

Raspberry Beret by Streetside Brewery is being evaluated as a Fruit Beer (Category 29A) with a Berliner Weisse base style (Category 23A) per the 2015 BJCP Guidelines.

This beer pours a reddish-purple color with opaque clarity with a spongy pink head that persists throughout almost the... Read More

Pig Porter

Pig Porter, Right Brain Brewery
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
22 / 24
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
19 / 20

Pig Porter by Right Brain Brewery is being evaluated as a Specialty Smoked Beer (Category 32B) with with the addition of smoked pigs head and pigs bones with an American Porter (Category 20A) per the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.

On the pour, a very dark brown with opaque clarity due to the... Read More

