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Crafty Celebrity Stories

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Crafty Celebrity Stories series features the best tales of ale, and more, from leading actors, celebrities and persons of interest. Enjoy!

My blog posts

Zack Teperman: Crafty Celebrity Stories
PR Guru Zack Teperman joins The Beer Connoisseur for the next installment of Crafty Celebrity Stories, which features the best tales of ale (and more...
Actress Pilar Holland regales us with tales of ale.
Actress Pilar Holland joins The Beer Connoisseur for the next installment of Crafty Celebrity Stories, which features the best tales of ale (and more...
Willis Marshall: Crafty Celebrity Stories
Retired professional football player Willis Marshall joins The Beer Connoisseur for the next installment of Crafty Celebrity Stories, which features...
Actress Lydia Backhouse regales us with tales of ale.
British Actress Lydia Backhouse joins The Beer Connoisseur for the next installment of Crafty Celebrity Stories, which features the best tales of ale...
Actor Aylam Orian (left) regales us with tales of ale.
Actor Aylam Orian joins The Beer Connoisseur for the next installment of Crafty Celebrity Stories, which features the best tales of ale (and more)...
Actor Donald Paul Crafty Celebrity Stories
Actor Donald Paul joins The Beer Connoisseur for the next installment of Crafty Celebrity Stories, which features the best tales of ale (and more)...
Kennedy Summers Playboy's 2014 Playmate of the Year
Model, medical student and Playboys 2014 Playmate of the Year – Kennedy Summers joins The Beer Connoisseur for the next installment of the Crafty...
Monte Bezell Drinking A Guinness
Actor, producer and director Monte Bezell joins The Beer Connoisseur for the next installment of the Crafty Celebrity Stories series, which features...
Actor Chris Caldovino joins The Beer Connoisseur for the next installment of the Crafty Celebrity Stories series, which features the best tales of...
