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Randy Scorby's picture

Hop Nosh Tangerine IPA

June, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

The beer pours an inviting amber color with a solid orange hue. Prominent fresh-squeezed tangerine and orange citrus aromas jump out of the glass and are so well-integrated that you may mistake it all for hop aromas. A suggestion of bready maltiness develops as it warms to help support the fruitiness. The flavor also displays a moderately high level of fresh tangerine with a light orange character woven in all tied together with a light bready maltiness in the background. A fairly aggressive hop bitterness develops mid-palate and lingers through to the medium-dry finish and into the aftertaste. The lingering bitterness is high enough that it takes your attention from the fresh tangerine character, but still remains an enjoyable brew.
