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Joseph Formanek's picture

3rd Anniversary Ale

April, 2016
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Roughtail’s 3rd Anniversary Ale is a very solid Double IPA. It is also an example of the recent trend in the industry towards murky, hazy IPAs. Visually, this moderately carbonated brew pours a very cloudy gold with a solid, creamy and small head with some lace. The assertive aroma in this brew is a combination of dank hoppiness and sweet citrus/orange character.  

The flavor of this rich, smooth and creamy brew is loaded with dank, resiny hop flavors and solid bitterness, along with a potent orange/tangerine citrus note up-front that competes very well with the hop characteristics. The stellar marriage of these flavors is the real hero of this brew. There is very little malt complexity to speak of, but with all that is going on with the hops, it is not necessary. This assertively flavored yet well-balanced and complex profile is retained throughout the drink, ending with an appealing, flavorful and dry finish that prepares the palate for the next sip.

This is a fine, multi-dimensional brew that truly excites the palate. If you are into Double IPAs with impressive complexity, this beer is a must-have.
