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John C. Tull's picture

Golden Rey Bavarian Wit

May, 2016
Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
4 / 6
32 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
14 / 20

Sweet and grainy wheat malt combines with orange flesh aromas in the nose of this beer. Hints of orange peel and herbal qualities from hops or additions are also detectable. The color is gold with copper hints, slightly dark for the style. The head is white with fine bubbles that persist and leave a lace along the glass edge as the beer is consumed. A slight cloudiness is present along with some suspended particles that are possibly yeast. The flavor is sweet and honey-like and a little bit cloying towards the finish. The beer has a strong herbal flavor, almost minty, and hints of orange citrus pith and flesh. The sweetness and herbal qualities outweigh the wheat malt without the characteristically dry and crisp finish expected in a witbier. The body is medium with some creaminess from the wheat malt, and the sweetness lingers into the finish. Although the flavors are quite enjoyable, this beer does not exemplify the classic Belgian qualities of a witbier. Instead, it overemphasizes malts and herbal characteristics. The flavors are quite pleasant if you seek a sweeter beer to pair with a fruit dessert, but do not pursue this if you are looking for a purist version of a witbier.