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Rodney A. Tillinghast's picture

Newburyport Pale Ale

Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
4 / 6
34 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Pale Ale was for the longest period the “bedrock” of American craft brewing, and still remains a principal gateway style for many folks as they begin their palate’s beer education. The pale ale in front of me poured out a murky orange, with a persistent billowy head that, after a few minutes revealed muted tones of orange rinds, lemongrass, and Ritz crackers. Flavor in the beer seemed somewhat muddled, with medium bitterness, some zesty/lemony hop notes blended with a thin, yet supportive, malt profile. It finished clean off the tongue, revealing a balanced yet neutral yeast character. In fairness, the beer still seems eminently quaffable, although a touch more bittering and aroma hops would have been more to my liking.
