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Jockamo Juicy IPA by Abita Brewing Co. is a delicious offering in the BJCP 21B Specialty IPA – New England IPA style. This one has exceptional aroma and flavor and really delivers on balance and drinkability.
There is a huge burst of a fresh blend of juicy and dank hop-like characters that makes itself well known the second that the can is opened. The Citra hop character is more notable than the rest. The ferment seems quite clean with little in the way of esters noted. There is a light base malt character in the background behind the hops. The beer pours a hazy light golden color with a moderate small-bubble white head with great retention.
Juicy Citra hop flavor is up front with a nice complement of Simcoe-like dankness behind this. The base malt is present and, again, supports the hop flavor levels well. The flavor balance seen up front is retained throughout the drink well into the finish. Importantly, the late addition hop levers used in this brew do not deliver the lingering harshness typically seen in beers of this style. The body is medium, the carbonation is moderate, and the finish is pleasantly medium-dry. The overall fermentation character is very clean, as noted above, allowing the hop flavors to be very well expressed.
This is truly a delicious offering in a style that, by its nature, has ample opportunity for issues. Seek this one out if you are looking for a well-crafted New England-style IPA that is both full-flavored and refreshing.