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Brian Eichhorn's picture

Judge's Review: 94 Rating - Bourbon Barrel-Aged Dopplebock by Seedstock Brewery

November, 2019
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Bourbon Barrel-Aged Dopplebock by Seedstock Brewery​ was judged under 33b Specialty Wood-Aged Beer due to the use of a Bourbon Barrel.

It pours as a very attractive deep red-brown, with a persistent creamy off-white head. The barrel character is relatively restrained, which is very welcome here. Light vanilla and bourbon notes peek out, but are still behind a robust and rich malty character. Light raisin notes come through as well, likely from the positive oxidation. Upon tasting, the balance is striking. It really seems as though this is the second use of the barrel, as the booze and barrel are more subdued than I expected and in perfect harmony with the malt. No spicy heat here either. Well-attenuated and well aged. Minimal oxidative stripping from the body, but overall, this is a banger. Easily drinkable, which isn't something one usually says about a BA doppelbock! My only real issue is that it's a bit more oxidized overall than I'd like to see and the shelf life will show that, I think, but it drinks fantastic now. Great stuff!
