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Brian Eichhorn's picture

Judge's Review: 88 Rating - The Cannibal by Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant

July, 2019
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
4 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

The Cannibal by Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant was judged as a 25c Belgian Golden Strong Ale.

The beer pours a hazy gold that appears to have some suspended particulate, very fine with a frothy white head that persists. The nose is quite clean, though distinctly Belgian. Lightly peppery and lemony, almost saison-like. Low vanilla phenols support the citrusy notes and a relatively high spicy hop nose. Quite pleasant and appropriate. At tasting, distinctly Belgian with white pepper and a hint of clove, along with vanilla undertones. I do note a distinct solventy ester that also adds to the mouthfeel. Quite well attenuated with a pleasing medium high bitterness, perhaps accentuated by suspended yeast. Well balanced, though I wish the beer was fully bright, as this contributes a roughness rather than a pillowy note. This could be a function of difficulty in decanting from a can. Doesn't seem to have any refermented character, which is good. The mouthfeel is warming with some astringency. There is a peculiarity to the mouthfeel, almost umami feeling due to the suspension. Overall, a really well balanced and refreshing beer that checks the boxes, but I'd be sure to let the can sit and carefully decant to ensure prime condition.