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Judge's Review: 75 Rating - When It Rains, It Cascades by Low Road Brewing

February, 2023

When It Rains, It Cascades

When It Rains, It Cascades

United States
When It Rains, It Cascades, Low Road Brewing

Pale Ale with Cascade hops.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
4 / 6
30 / 40
6 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

When It Rains, It Cascades by Low Road Brewing poured tawny amber (Style 18, American Pale Ale) into my pint glass with a terrific off-white head that lasted well into the full session. While I allowed the beer to warm, I tried several times to coax some sort of hop aroma out of it, but was seemingly stymied each go-round. There was a very discernable caramel character to the aroma, very butterscotch-like.  

When I moved onto tasting, while the caramel flavorings carried over from the aroma, it was still lacking in hop flavor and characteristics. It came about with a low-to-medium hop bitterness with some biscuity flavors backed with a fairly robust mouthfeel. Although not quite a pale ale, it could be well enjoyed more thoroughly as an American amber ale.