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Brad Darnell's picture


December, 2016


Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Jomax by Wren House is a Coffee Oatmeal Stout and is being evaluated as an Oatmeal Stout (2015 BJCP Category 16B) offering according to the BJCP guidelines. For this style expect a bold, dark malt presence with varying creaminess based on the amount of oats used. While this style typically has coffee-like aroma and flavor, expect more from this offering based on the added coffee.

Initial aroma is green and spicy jalapeno with moderate dark roasted malt, notes of chocolate and coffee. The beer pours dark brown to black with a large, frothy and bubbly beige head. Slowly receding, the head forms a thin film and leaves spotty lacing. A secondary aroma introduces oatmeal notes alongside light woody and earthy hops, and finishes with notes of dates. The flavor is bold lightly sweet chocolate, cold brewed coffee sans all roast malt derived bitterness, lightly spicy and peppery, moderate roast malt, light woody hops and bitterness with notes of charred oak. Dark malt is dominant yet allows the other flavors a chance to introduce themselves and then finishes lightly sweet. Full body and light carbonation with a light prickliness lasting.

As the beer warms the initial aroma reminiscent of fresh jalapenos fades and reveals a complex roast, chocolate and coffee malt blend. I always find it interesting how roast malt develops over time and, more specifically, temperature. Overall, this beer presents a complex dark malt profile, yielding light sweetness and faint notes of dark fruits.
