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Brian Eichhorn's picture


April, 2017


Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
14 / 20

Hoptronix by New Holland is being evaluated as a Double IPA (Category 22A) from the 2015 BJCP guidelines. The expectation here is an amped up American IPA, and while it fits that, it falls off a bit from the expectation.

The beer presents deeply hazed orange/gold with hop polyphenols and a thin white head that is very sticky. It has an alcoholic appearance with the low head. Initially the nose has a distinct fried onion quality that dominates. This is followed by some notes of low caramel and moderate tropical fruits; guava, pineapple & passionfruit are notable behind the onion notes. Low clean alcohol breaks through and the malt remains very subdued overall.

Upon tasting, there is less of the overt onion, though onion & garlic persist. Loads of pineapple & guava dominate the palate, ultimately, along with a big alcoholic hit that is also quite warming.The mouthfeel also has an oiliness & chewy character that make this a bit more challenging to drink. There's a high level of bitterness, which is very smooth, mitigated by the residual sweetness & alcohol of the beer. Very warming all the way down. It is quite fruity & fresh, though the bitterness and alcohol throw off the balance of the beer. There's a saltiness in the finish as well that seems a bit out of place.

Overall, this DIPA seems stuck somewhere between new school NEIPAs and older school iterations of the style. More of the tropical fruit notes would definitely be welcome, along with less of the oniony notes and alcohol. A bit more balance is needed for this style. Ultimately an okay beer, but heavily out of balance.
