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Pete Garofalo's picture


Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
34 / 40
6 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

This is a crisp, clean example of an aged ale. The first impression is a malt-forward aroma, with elements of bread crust, nutty grain, dark chocolate, and light toastiness. A hint of caramel or toffee adds complexity and fruity esters are subdued, indicating a clean fermentation. Hops make a forceful appearance in the flavor. Toasty grainy malt gives way to a spicy, herbal, rustic flavor leading to an intense bitterness, lasting well into the finish and dominating the aftertaste. The overall impression is a malty start that quickly dries out to a firm, lingering bitterness that has a slight harsh edge. This is a seriously bitter beer that implies malt from the aroma but delivers a sharp hop presence.
