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The Hook Grapefruit Session IPA

July, 2017
Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
5 / 6
30 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

The Hook Grapefruit Session IPA by Starr Hill Brewery (BJCP Category 21B: Specialty IPA) shows promise, but seems to be showing some fragility in its flavor as oxidation takes a bit of a toll.

The beer pours brilliantly clear and surprisingly dark (light amber) for a session IPA, with very little off-white head.  The aroma carries a strong whiff of grapefruit (as we might expect) and a bit of low caramel and spicy hops aroma.  Unfortunately, it also conveys a moderate musty, stale oxidative character.  The flavor is dilute, but still pleasant, with moderate toast and medium bittering, but very little (bordering on none) hops flavor carrying it into a dry finish.  The body is light with moderate carbonation; the brewery describes this as "sessionable body," and they're not wrong, but with the flat/absent flavors it just seems watered down.  

There's a distinct lack of hops character here, and I think it's a fair assessment to say that a fresher sample would probably have fared better.  This score aside, I'll still look for it on tap to see if it stands up better, because the bones seem solid!
