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Graham L. Barron's picture

Classic Saison

March, 2016
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Following a loud pop of the cork, this beer quickly forms a massive, rocky, foamy white head that fills up half the glass, indicating a higher level of carbonation that's appropriate for this style. The liquid underneath glows an appealing, bright yellow with very good clarity. The aroma is lightly phenolic and estery, with notes of pepper, orange rind and grapefruit peel and very little noticeable malt or hops. However, a surprising amount of malt flavor is encountered on the first sip, letting the drinker know this is not your typical European saison. This is a very balanced beer with a lightly sweet, bready maltiness mixing with fruit and spice flavors reminiscent of fresh cut oranges, papaya and cardamom. The mouthfeel is medium-bodied and creamy, and the finish is pleasantly bitter, leaving any drinker eager for another sip. Although certainly a somewhat atypical example of saison, this highly flavorful, effervescent and balanced beer is a delight to have in your glass on a warm, spring afternoon.