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Graham L. Barron's picture

30th Anniversary Ale

February, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

This beer pours a dark brown to black color, with high viscosity and a slight, tan-colored head that does not linger for long. Strong aromas of coffee, roasted barley, chocolate, cocoa nibs and rich, sweet malt hit you in the nose. Some dark fruit mixes in but no hops are to be found. There is some nuttiness in the background along with a punch of alcohol that lets you know this is a big beer. The taste is predominantly sweet – with toffee maltiness, chocolate and dark fruit all ending in a bitter finish. The bitterness, however, appears to come from the dark grains, not the hops, and lends the beer a bit of an astringent and dry finish. This is a big, warming and chewy beer that, as it warms, begins to resemble a boozy chocolate milkshake. This beautiful imperial stout is the perfect way to celebrate a birthday, promotion or other special occasion... such as a 30th anniversary!
