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Randy Scorby's picture

Alaskan Amber

October, 2017
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Alaskan Amber from Alaskan Brewing is being evaluated as an Altbier (Category 7B) from the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.

Because this beer is called “Amber” it is often mistaken for an American Amber Ale instead of the Alt style beer that it is. The appearance is quite inviting, showcasing a medium copper color and brilliant clarity, with a thick stand of fine bubbles that linger.  The aroma hits you with a prominent and rich bready, toasty, nutty and light caramel maltiness that is quickly followed by a spicy and herbal hop nose. A hint of berry esters emerge as the beer warms to create some intrigue. 

The malt is equally as prominent in the flavor adding a light graininess and bread crusts to the characteristics found in the aroma. Low berry esters and herbal hop flavor emerge mid-palate along with a medium-high, but quite smooth, hop bitterness that lingers through a moderate residual sweetness that dries out nicely in the finish. The transition between the malt richness and hop bitterness flows well. Alaskan Amber is an extremely well brewed example of an Altbier, so don’t hesitate to give this one a try, particularly if you are trying to expand your palate with new or different styles.
