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Rodney A. Tillinghast's picture

Rod Bender Red Ale

July, 2016
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
34 / 40
6 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

When a palate tires of the oftentimes hop-intensive craft beer scene, it’s always nice to dial it down with an approachable and drinkable American Amber Ale. Today’s ale poured a beautiful deep copper color, tinged with crimson highlights. I was struck immediately by this beer's comforting caramel malt aroma, almost like fresh biscotti and toffee. Although I searched for hop aroma, I gave up after a short while and moved on to tasting. There were strong bready/toasty flavors, backed by a soft, faintly earthy hop bitterness. Each sip lingered on the tongue only for a bit-- washed away by medium carbonation. In the end, I was left wondering if this was more like an Irish Red Ale, since its restraint of hop character was quite evident throughout.
