This Red IPA exhibits reddish-amber hues that lean toward a very light brown color when poured. It has great clarity, and above it is a light tan-colored, fluffy head that gives this beer an inviting appearance. The moderate aroma of citrus and piney hops, along with light bready toast and nearly burnt caramel define this beer. Some dark fruity esters are picked up, perhaps from the yeast, layering the aroma alongside some light spicy notes. In the first sip, you experience rich caramel – almost burnt – and moderate earthy hop flavors. A low grainy malt balance guides you to an assertive hop bitterness; let's not forget this is an IPA after all, and the style comes through in the medium-full body, and moderate alcohol warmth reflective of the 7.25 percent ABV. No creaminess or astringency detract from this balancing act. The scales are certainly tipped toward the bitterness, yet the caramel and toasted malt notes become more prevalent as it warms.