This ale pours from the can with a frothy and persistent off-white head that covers the hazy, dark brown nectar underneath. Chocolate malt jumps out in the nose, complemented by a toasty, nutty and slightly caramelly aroma. A light, woody hop character hides in the background along with a faint metallic note. The taste is predominantly sweet malt and toffee followed by a mild but noticeable earthy, woody hop flavor. Bitterness, while restrained, is sufficient enough to provide balance to the rich malt keeping the beer from being overly sweet. Despite a medium body, the finish is dry enough to leave you asking for another gulp. Bell’s suggests this beer is “best enjoyed with the changing of the seasons.” This is not mere advertising speak, and in fact, perfectly describes this beer. This rich, flavorful brown ale is ideal for relaxing on a cool fall afternoon.