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De Proef Brouwerij

De Proef Brouwerij

De 'Proef' brouwerij
Doornzelestraat 20
9080 Lochristi
+32 9 356 71 02

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What We Do

The “proef” brewery is specifically equipped for the development and production of beers for third parties.

We brew on a relatively small scale: most often between 10 and 140 hectoliters per order. Our customers include beer architects (who most often contribute their own recipe), start-up or existing breweries (who have their own recipe or a recipe that is jointly developed), and individual initiatives.

The Research and Development department (R&D) conducts applied scientific research projects, in order to improve beer quality and reproducibility.



The core value of the “proef” brewery is integrity: to strive for the cleanest and most honest recipe development and beer production process, both with respect to our employees, the environment, the authorities and our customers and suppliers, as well as towards our raw materials and products …

Our focus lies exclusively on recipe/product development and beer production and as such we do not actively promote or commercialize beers.

This core value means that we do not and will not copy existing beers (both from other breweries as well as our own), and inspires us to always strive for an original product.

We wish to position ourselves at the interface between commercial breweries and knowledge centers, because on the one hand we produce yet do not commercialize products, while on the other hand we conduct applied instead of fundamental scientific research.



Our 3 brewhouses, 58 fermenters, 2 bottling lines and 2 kegging lines grant us wide flexibility.

In order to adequately perform tasks, a flexible and highly automated production technology is indispensable.


R & D

On the one hand, our internal R&D efforts are aimed at recipe development and fine-tuning in support of our production.

At the same time, we carry out applied scientific research projects in close cooperation with external knowledge centers (colleges, universities, other companies ..).

The goal of this research effort is to better understand and control raw materials and fermentation processes in order to produce the cleanest, most honest beers at the most consistent possible level.

Currently, a significant research effort is allocated to hop research: with the “Single Hop Technology” project, supported by IWT Vlaanderen, and in close cooperation with KaHo Sint-Lieven, we are making important efforts in order to better understand this noble raw material in all its aspects.
Click here to download the first results (Trends In Brewing, Gand 2012).
Click here to download the posters as presented at the last EBC-congres (European Brewery Convention, Luxembourg 2013).

R&D specific contacts:
Ann Van Holle: [email protected] et Jan Van Nieuwenhove: [email protected] 

The Key Point

A perfect team!

Great beer is made based on a good recipe, carefully selected raw materials, well-adapted technology, adequate knowhow and most importantly: a perfect team, people who are motivated, who are willing to go the extra mile and who are focused on quality! In the “proef” brewery, a team is working wholeheartedly to translate your recipe into a high-quality final product.
