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Judge's Review: 92 Rating -- I Need S'more Brownie Batter Batch #1 by Pontoon Brewing

May, 2019
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

I Need S'more Brownie Batter Batch #1 by Pontoon Brewing was judged as an Imperial Stout (BJCP 2015 Style Guidelines, Style 20C).

Wow. This one is a steak. Packed with dark chocolate aromatics and partnered with dried fruit and a firm warming of the nostrils that renders warning of the alcoholic strength to follow.

Deep brown almost black in hue, opaque, with low head retention.

The intensity evidenced in the flavor profile is characterized by a bitter sweet taste that mixes with caramel notes and fudge. Fruity esters reminiscent of plums and raisins are also evidenced as is often the case when higher alcoholic beers are fermented at warmer temperatures.

The body is full and somewhat syrupy, and as a result of its high gravity very warming over the tongue.

A perfusion of complexity is on display in both the aroma and flavor of this ale with a significant alcoholic punch that satisfies.
