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Rodney A. Tillinghast's picture

Judge's Review: 86 Rating - Rucksack by Monday Night Brewing

August, 2018
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Rucksack by Monday Night Brewing was judged as a German Weissbier (Style 10A). A monstrous, pillowy white head rested atop the hazy golden brew, bubbling up with a very strong carbonation level. The beer offered up healthy aromas of spicy clove and banana, supported by a sweet, crackery malt backbone. 

Its flavoring followed the traditional interpretation, with its nice grainy maltiness, firm clove, and subtle citrus underpinnings. Hop bitterness was neutral and faded quickly. It finished a little sweet, which detracted from the overall impression, with a medium to medium-full mouthfeel. 

A little by more dryness would have enhanced the experience, but in the end, it came along with more than enough weizen-type qualifications to be enjoyable.
