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Judge's Review: 95 Rating - Oak & White by Upland Brewing Co.

June, 2018
Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Oak & White by Upland Brewing Co. is a barrel-aged fruited sour ale, judged as BJCP Category 28C, Wild Specialty Ale. This beer has a tart aroma with layers of complexlty that follow. Low spicing and oak tannins are present, as is a distinct white grape (fermented, like white wine) aroma. Together, these aromas are mellow and pleasant. It pours a clear, pale gold color with moderate white head. This beer's flavor has distinct yet light oak character--primarily tannin--and is moderately sour. It has a buttery taste and texture, again like white wine. The finish is dry but retains the buttery fullness. Carbonation is moderately high, but feels lower due to the fuller texture. Hops are nowhere to be found in this beer, but it doesn't need them. Overall, this beer's vinous quality makes it analagous to a white grape version of a Flanders Red Ale. An excellent sour ale.