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Combining CBD with alcohol can cause an amplification of each ingredient’s effects. Both alcohol and CBD are known for their calming, relaxing, and inhibition-reducing effects. Therefore, if you combine these, you might experience increased sleepiness and sluggishness.
A 1979 study found that mixing CBD with alcohol resulted in significant motor function impairment and altered time perception. Still, this study is over 40 years old and uses a very high amount of CBD compared with what people would typically consume. The little research that has been performed on the subject of how mixing CBD with alcohol can alter mood and behavior is inconclusive.
Since CBD does not contain intoxicating properties, it may not directly affect intoxication from alcohol. Additionally, some research has suggested that CBD might curb the desire to drink, which could prevent you from overdoing it.
Again, little research has been done here, and CBD may increase intoxication if you use a large dosage. While the properties of each ingredient may not directly interact, it is a good idea to keep an eye on the research and ask your doctor before combining these.
As previously discussed, CBD and alcohol can amplify their respective effects. In one area, this is particularly true – the reduction of anxiety.
Alcohol has long been used to reduce anxiety, and CBD produces much of the same effect, as suggested by a study of 72 people using CBD for a month. Mixing these may result in a significant reduction of stress and improved sleep quality. Though CBD-infused beer and alcohol may reduce anxiety, using these ingredients to self-medicate is not wise.
In one interesting study of 10 people who consumed 200 mg of CBD with alcohol, the participants had dramatically lower blood alcohol (BAC) levels than when they consumed alcohol with a placebo. This suggests that CBD-infused beer and alcohol may reduce BAC and, therefore, the risk of alcohol poisoning. This study was done in the 1970s and was small, so more research needs to be done to determine if this is always true, but it does suggest the possibility.
Furthermore, certain studies performed on rats and mice suggest that CBD may protect against cell damage. Knowing that alcohol damages cells, mixing CBD with it may protect against this harmful effect of alcohol. Still, more research, especially studies regarding humans, is necessary to be confident of this result.
CBD can have two effects that could help you deal with a hangover. Obviously, consuming CBD with alcohol will not help with a hangover, but CBD with water may be helpful to you in reducing headaches. Though these are caused by dehydration because your kidneys and liver are working on getting rid of the poison from the alcohol, when consuming CBD with water, you may be able to get relief from that headache faster thanks to CBD’s pain relief properties.
Also, CBD calms the stomach. So, if you consume CBD after feeling nauseous from drinking, you can settle your stomach and keep your food down. As with all of the possible effects of mixing CBD and alcohol, consult a doctor before consuming these ingredients.
CBD-infused beer and other alcoholic beverages could carry with them some adverse effects. As mentioned above, CBD has antiemetic effects. The reason you feel nauseous after drinking is because your body is trying to eliminate the poison in your stomach before it can cause further harm. Alcohol is toxic, and using CBD to prevent vomiting could result in alcohol poisoning.
Another possible adverse effect of combining these ingredients is that they both lower blood pressure. The combination can exacerbate this and lead to dangerously low blood pressure, causing your heart to work harder, which may result in passing out in rare cases.
In sum, combining CBD with alcohol in drinks, like beer and cocktails, could result in various effects. More research needs to be done on the subject, and you should keep in mind that the FDA does not allow the sale of these mixtures, which prompts questions. As with the consumption of CBD or any alcoholic beverage, it is wise to seek advice from your doctor before indulging. Remember: never drink and drive, including CBD-infused products.