Upland’s Komodo Dragonfly is an impressive example of a very drinkable Black IPA. A massive hit of dank hop character (presumably Simcoe) greets you upon opening the bottle, and this hop character explodes from the glass upon pouring. There is a touch of a chocolate or black malt aroma also present in the background that complements the hop nose very well. This brew is an opaque black color with ruby highlights, which become evident when tilting the glass, and has a tan-colored, long-lasting head topping it all off. This is a very attractive brew!
Interestingly, although you’d expect a massive assault of hop character during the drink, the hop flavor and bitterness is actually quite moderate. The base malt backbone is also somewhat subtle, and is complemented by a touch of chocolate and debittered black malt flavor. The overall balance of the brew is towards the hop side of things, but it is not overpoweringly so. The finish is quite clean and somewhat dry, preparing the palate for the next taste.
Overall this is a quite well-balanced and well-thought out example of the style. The crispness seen in this brew is appreciated, making it one of the more refreshing Black IPAs that I have experienced.