Sympathy Weight by Monday Night Brewing is a bourbon-barrel aged Wee Heavy and is being evaluated as a Specialty Wood-Aged Beer (category 33B from the 2015 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines). The Wee Heavy style is noted as being a rich, full, malty Scottish ale with strong, rich caramel malt flavors and occasionally a faint peat smoke. The best Specialty Wood-Aged Beers have a "harmonious blend" between the base beer and the wood/spirits resulting in a flavorful, complex blend. This Wee heavy was aged in maple syrup bourbon barrels.
This Wee Heavy pours deep amber with ruby highlights, clear, with a small, finely-beaded, tan head. The aroma is strong caramel malt with lighter peat smoke and bourbon. The body is full with a moderate-light carbonation and moderate alcohol warmth; but, moderate woody astringency detracts. Rich, caramel malt dominates the flavor with a complement of bourbon and a hint of toasted oak, peat smoke, and maple. The finish displays strong caramel malt, bourbon, and a lingering alcohol, warmth with woody astringency. This beer is a pleasant Wee Heavy but the barrel aging leaves this beer finishing a little harsh.