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471 Small Batch IPA

United States
471 Small Batch IPA by Breckenridge Brewery
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
20 / 24
35 / 40
6 / 6
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
16 / 20

Hoppy? Brother, 471 IPA redefines hoppy.

471 is a small batch, limited edition ale that was created by our Brewmaster to separate the weak from the strong. 471 is a double IPA, that combines Pale, Munich, Caramel-30, Carapils and Torrified Wheat malts, with Chinook, Centennial, Simcoe and Fuggles hops. It has a big sweet mouthfeel, followed by more hoppiness than you've ever had at one time. Enjoy.


Beverage Profile
Judges Review 
Sal Mortillaro II's picture
Judges Rating:
20 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
16 / 20

This Bourbon Barrel Aged IPA pours a deep gold color with creamy white head, which persists and has clear clarity. An aroma of fresh, un-charred oak barrel consisting of nutty and vanilla lactones is most prominent on the nose. No detectable liquor quality is discernible. There is a high ethyl alcohol character that is noticeable. There is a moderate-low general malt presence but no discernible hop aroma. The flavor consists of a moderate-high malt sweetness of a general malt flavor character. However, a high ethyl alcohol note downplays the perceived malt intensity to moderate-low. Hop bitterness is moderate but no hop flavor is discernible. There is no fermentation character noticeable. There is a low whiskey character note to the beer but is relatively “clean” compared to other barrel aged beers. The ethyl alcohol provides a spiciness that grounds the beer and prevents from cloying. The balance of this beer leans towards the malt and the alcohol. After the swallow, and exhaling through the nose with a closed mouth, the strength and high ABV of this beer becomes very apparent. The mouth feel is of full body with ample carbonation. This beer is very warm in the mouth and suggests an ABV of approximately 10%. The malt character cut by the high ABV makes for a creamy mouth feel. There is no astringency detectable in the beer. Overall, the high ABV of this beer seemed to interfere with the complexities of the malt bill and hop additions of the recipe. A greater hop character and complexity would benefit this double IPA significantly as well as a stronger barrel character.

Brewery Introduction

Back in the 1980s, our founder Richard Squire was your typical ski bum – with one significant difference. He had a knack for making extraordinary home brews. For years, only his closest friends were able to enjoy his creations, but it didn’t take long for Richard to realize that his talents... Read More
