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The Ultimate Guide to Vape and Food Pairings

Use this guide to better understand how selecting the right vaping flavors will enhance the taste of drinks and meals.

The Ultimate Guide to Vape and Food Pairings


Wine Pairings

Everyone knows that cheese pairs perfectly with wine, but what if you can’t have alcohol or want to avoid a hangover? Producers of e-cigarettes come to help with wine-flavored liquids. From wine-based drink mixes to champagne and merlot, you can easily find a flavor of your favourite drink to match your cheese feast (or any other type of food you eat with your wines).

Meat / Seafood

Apart from pairing meats with an appropriate wine flavor, you can go for some less obvious options. For example, red meat goes well with fruits such as blueberries or blackberries, while orange might enhance any tender duck or other white meats.

Moreover, the chicken will also deliver a wonderful eating experience if paired with tropical fruits flavors, i.e., pineapple, mango, or bananas; the same goes for seafood. Lemon is also an excellent choice for seafood and fish.

For a richer pairing, you might want to try out bourbon or whisky flavored liquids to complement your meats.


Vaping can also enhance your drinking experience, no matter if you choose an alcoholic drink or not, bitter, sour, or sweet. You can vape a juicy peachy or lemony liquid with your iced tea, something sweet (doughnut or caramel) or fruity (raspberry, orange) with a cup of hot tea, or herbal flavor (peppermint, nettle or chamomile) with either of the two. Baked goods will carry the coffee taste well, or if you are a fan of a traditional coffee-and-cigarette breakfast, you can go for a tobacco vape.

Regarding alcohols, you can match white wine with fruits and reds with something more substantial, e.g., chocolate. If you’re enjoying a cold beer on a summer afternoon or during a night out with friends, you need to consider your chosen beer type. For example, a blonde will go best with a fruity or sweet flavor, a dark stout with chocolate, vanilla, or hazelnut, while an IPA with citrus.

Final Take

Vaping is a fantastic way to improve food consumption and your daily eating experience. Whether you vape during or after your meal, you can turn your daily routine into something more exciting and enjoyable.

However, in order to achieve this, it is vital to choose the right vape flavor to compliment your dish. The guide above will help you outline the rules of pairing e-liquids with foods and turn your meal into a truly unique experience.

Everyone’s taste buds might be slightly different, so don’t be afraid to experiment and see what works best for you.


