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Brewing With Gabe Fletcher of Anchorage Brewing Co.

Our writer caught up with Gabe Fletcher, a longtime participant in the Alaskan brewing scene, shortly after the official opening of his beautiful new brewery – a celebration of reclaimed wood where visitors can literally get a hands-on experience in the tasting room. It’s more like a “tasting area” that flows into the fermentation room, which opens into the brewing equipment area, bottling line and very soon into a beer garden.

Fletcher’s own path is similar to many craft brewers who have worked every job and held every title. What set him apart are his skills as a wood, metal and concrete artist; he has also painted some of his own labels. Fletcher’s unique barley creations certainly qualify as works of art.

BC: How did the official opening go this spring?

Fletcher: It was amazing. I had no idea how many people would show up. I was thinking we would have a few people initially, then a few rushes. But there were five or six hundred people that showed up. From the time we opened the door until the time we closed there was a line.

Gabe Fletcher's New Anchorage Brewing Co.
Throngs of people at the official opening of Anchorage Brewing's new brewery and tasting room.

BC: That’s certainly a compliment to your beers. When did you first start brewing?

Fletcher: I started brewing at Midnight Sun when I was 21 years old in 1998, and I didn’t start as a homebrewer. I was interested in the process and I was working two jobs: one at Alaska Airlines and one at this little shop for making your own wine. One of the girls working there got a job at Midnight Sun as a brewer and she told me to give them a call. I went in for an interview, and I was bottling that same day. A year and a half later, I was head brewer.


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