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Brewer Q & A (Issue 22)


92 Rating – Southbound Brewing Co. – Picture of Nectar

Responses from Southbound brewmaster Smith Mathews.

Who came up with this beer's recipe?
 I did. I was inspired to make this beer after reading about a local chef incorporating these fresh ingredients into a dish while out to dinner. I thought to myself, "This would make a great IPA."

What’s your favorite aspect of this beer (flavor, aroma, etc.)? 
I really love the relationship the nectarines and elderflower bring to the hop profile. Both in flavor and aroma, they all combine to form intricate levels of complexity. It's a beer you can continuously discover new flavors in from the first sip to the last. 

Where does this beer’s name come from? 
Picture of Nectar is an homage to one of our favorite band's (Phish) songs. Great band, great beer!

Is this your "desert island beer?"
This beer is pretty big to be drinking a lot of. I guess if you're stranded on a desert island and need to hydrate, you might as well do it with an incredible IPA! I'm not sure how productive you'd be during or afterwards however...

Can you describe this beer in 10 words or less?
Complex stone fruit and floral flavor with a big aroma.

Do you know a story – or have a personal story – that revolves around this beer?
Several of us made the mistake – after a long day of bottling – of drinking two bombers of this beer after we'd finished. It is so easy to drink and we kept exploring the flavors it had to offer. The deeper we got into the bottles, the more flavors we were finding. Little did we realize, the alcohol had crept up on us and we all needed a ride home! Needless to say, the labels didn't get put on until a few days after. Explore carefully! 


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