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Brewer Q & A (Issue 22)


93 Rating – AleSmith Brewing Co. – Double Red IPA

Responses from AleSmith brewmaster Peter Zien.

What’s your favorite aspect of this beer (flavor, aroma, etc.)? 
Th big hop character and pleasant amber-colored malt backdrop. It’s easy to drink, even at an elevated alcohol content of 8.5 percent ABV.

Where does this beer’s name come from? 
We decided to go with a clear style descriptor to let the consumer know exactly what they're in for. The marketplace is full of catchy, sometimes funny names (we have a few ourselves), but we chose to get right to the point with this one.

Is this your "desert island beer?"
Now this beer actually could be. It has plenty of hops to keep it interesting and plenty of malty sweetness as well. It's the best of both worlds in my opinion!

Can you describe this beer in 10 words or less?
A delicious combination of amber malts and spicy hops.

Do you know a story – or have a personal story – that revolves around this beer?
This beer was originally named Winter YuleSmith and appeared annually right before Christmas. It was all decked out in red and green and (inadvertently) screamed, “Drink me before Christmas!” But that was never intended to be the case with this beer, which is optimal for enjoying well into the spring, so we rebranded it in hopes people wouldn’t feel pressured and would know exactly the style of beer they were about to encounter.


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