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2017's Best Beer By Style Category

Each year we recognize the top rated beers of the most populated styles submitted to our Official Review. The categories in the order as they appear are...

Top 10 IPAs (All Styles)
Top 5 Double IPAs
Top 5 American Pale Ales
Top 10 Wood-Aged Beers
Top 10 Fruit Beers
Top 5 Spiced Beers
Top 3 Trappist-Style Ales
Top 5 European Sour Ales
Top 5 Strong Ales
Top 3 Sweet Stouts
Top 10 American Wild Ales
Top 5 American Porter & Stouts
Top 3 International Lagers
Top 3 Amber Bitter European Beers

Congratulations to these brewers and their exceptional beer!

Top 10 IPAs of 2017 (All Styles)

1. Stone 21st Anniversary Hail to the Hop Thief
Stone Brewing Co.
Score: 95

2. Reviver Red IPA
Starr Hill Brewery
Score: 95

3. Hoppyright Infringement
NOLA Brewing Co.
Score: 95

4. White Caps
Cape May Brewing Co.
Score: 94

5. Paradise
Holy City Brewing
Score: 94

6. MC²
Equilibrium Brewery
Score: 94

7. Insurrection
Fulton Beer
Score: 94

8. Better Life Choices
Atwater Brewery
Score: 94

9. 16 Point IPA
Devils Backbone Brewing Co.
Score: 94

10. Orange King of Hop
Starr Hill Brewery
Score: 93


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